The talented and amazing Jemma over on nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. You should have seen my face when I saw her comment, first the Liebster Award and now this, I'm so over the moon!
The rules of this award are:
1. Thank your nominator and link them.
2. List the rules and display your award.
3. Seven facts about yourself.
4. Nominate other amazing and inspirational blogs and comment to let them know, linking your post.
5. Optional - proudly display the award logo on your blog, for example the side bar and follow your nominator if you're not already.
7 facts about me:
1. I'm obsessed with buying clothes, particularly sleeveless shirts at the moment
2. I've seen Disney's Frozen countless times and could probably act it out backwards
3. I've only ever been in hospital once, when I tore the ligaments in my ankle in 2011, tripping over myself in a game of netball
4. I think I'm hilarious
5. Alex Pettyfer and Ashton Irwin need I say more?
6. I always feel the need to be in charge or feel in control.
7. The only thing scaring me about university is moving away from my mum
I nominate:
Louise at
Katie at
Sophia at
Sarah at
Holly at
Sian at
Daisy at
Once again, thank you to Jemma for nominating me!
Thank you so much for the nomination Emily <3
ReplyDeletethank you so much for this! I'm the same about buying clothes ha I cant stop X