Happy New Year, I'm back, dusting off the cobwebs from my blog.
Firstly it's been a very long time, I'm sorry, but I've decided to make it my New Years resolution to continue to update my blog more recently that I have been lately. I thoughally enjoyed updating you all on my new purchases, sharing pictures and generally just writing.
I received a few make-up bits for Christmas that I've been loving and I'm very excited to share them with you.
A little update on my life as it stands at the moment, I'm still studying for my degree in Events Management and IT Management for Business at the University of Chichester. I'm now prepairing to start the second semester of my second year and I'm still very much loving my degree, the people I'm surrounded by and the city in which I live. This Christmas marked the half way point of my degree, which is quite frightening. Time is flying by and the thought of graduation and having my first 'real' job is very daunting, University so far has been the best year and a half of my life and I'm not ready to say goodbye to that. This past October also saw me turn 20, another landmark saying farewell to my teenage years :(
Some of my 2015 highlights include; obtaining an overall 1st in my first year at University, flying out to Sunny Beach, Bulgaria for a week with my best friends, witnessing my cousin pass her 11+ and getting into her chosen selective grammar school, moving into my house with 3 of my closest friends and completing numerous Events Management placements with positive feedback to aid my degree.
But cheers to the New Year and new starts! 2015 was a great year for me and I'm more than ready to make 2016 even better.
What were your highlights of 2015 and do you have any New Years Resolutions?
Thanks for Reading!
2015 saw me and this bunch move out of our University Halls and into our first homes. |
2015 saw me become more involved with the UoC Netball Club |